ICU European Cheerleading ChampionshipsNews

Overall ECU Medals Ranking

We have updated the overall medals ranking by country where medals received on the last ECU European Cheerleading Championships 2017 held in Prague (Czech Republic) are included. The most successful country on the last championships was Finland with 3 Gold, 1 Silver and 3 Bronze medals, following by Slovenia with 3 Gold and 1 Silver medal. The host country, Czech Republic, placed 3rd receiving 2 Gold medals.

From the beginning of the ECU championships 2011 until today already 22 different countries received a medal! On the top of the list is Norway with a total of 90 medals (36 Gold, 27 Silver, 27 Silver), following by Slovenia with a total of 77 medals (22 Gold, 26 Silver, 29 Bronze) and Russia with a total of 36 medals (17 Gold, 10 Silver, 9 Bronze).

Results of all ECU Championships 2011 – 2017