Event Calendar
The Global Coaching Techniques Course (GCT) is a two (2) day in person educational program that consists of interactive classroom and practical education. Upon completion of the comprehensive multiple choice test participants will receive a Certificate and Blue ICU Pin.
Course content:
- History of Sport of Cheer
- How to Plan an Efficient & Effective Practice
- Creating a Team
- Pom Motion Technique & Placement for Pom Routine & Sideline Cheer
- Warm-Up
- Strength & Conditioning
- Cool Down
- Review Cheerleading Levels, Rules & Glossary Pertaining to Levels Novice, Intermediate, Median, Advanced, Elite, Premier
- Introduce newcomer coaches to fundamental cheerleading skills/build on the foundation of experienced coaches
- Establish Key Coaching Objectives (Roles & Responsibilities)
- Learn Visual Skill Recognition & Key Points to Basic Skills
- Novice Skills
- Intermediate Skills
- Median Skills
Two (2) Day: Classroom/Practical Application
Instructor(s): ICU Certified JEC Instructor(s)
The Cheerleading Judges Education Course (JEC) is a two (2) day in person educational program that consists of interactive classroom and practical education. Upon completion of the comprehensive multiple choice test participants will receive a Phase 1 Certificate and Red ICU Pin. A video judging exam will be administered to those wishing to potentially receive Phase 2 by demonstrating their ability to score, rank and give adequate feedback. Phase 2 will be determined by evaluation of the exam results.
Course content:
- Properly defining a judge and differentiating the types of judges
- Judging Responsibilities – How to prepare and what is expected of you as a judge
- Judging Objectives – What you as a judge should strive to do along with pointers
- Scoring – How to use a score sheet, master score sheet and maintain consistency
- Critiques – How to create and verbalize constructive feedback for each performance
- Levels and Categories of Cheerleading – What characteristics define each category
- What to look for regarding technique: body positions, base positioning & placement
- What to look for regarding difficulty & execution: Cheer, Partner Stunts, Pyramids, Tosses, Tumbling, Flow, Overall
Two (2) Day: Classroom/Practical Application
Instructor(s): ICU Certified JEC Instructor(s)
The Cheerleading Judges Education Course (JEC) is a two (2) day in person educational program that consists of interactive classroom and practical education. Upon completion of the comprehensive multiple choice test participants will receive a Phase 1 Certificate and Red ICU Pin. A video judging exam will be administered to those wishing to potentially receive Phase 2 by demonstrating their ability to score, rank and give adequate feedback. Phase 2 will be determined by evaluation of the exam results.
Course content:
- Properly defining a judge and differentiating the types of judges
- Judging Responsibilities – How to prepare and what is expected of you as a judge
- Judging Objectives – What you as a judge should strive to do along with pointers
- Scoring – How to use a score sheet, master score sheet and maintain consistency
- Critiques – How to create and verbalize constructive feedback for each performance
- Levels and Categories of Cheerleading – What characteristics define each category
- What to look for regarding technique: body positions, base positioning & placement
- What to look for regarding difficulty & execution: Cheer, Partner Stunts, Pyramids, Tosses, Tumbling, Flow, Overall