XI Eastern Europe Championship

4 May 2019 – 5 May 2019 all-day
Exhibition and Congress Centre “Sokolniki”
5-Y Luchevoy Prosek
7, стр. 1, Moskva, Russia
Russian Cheer Union

ECL takes place in Moscow for the 8-th time. That ECU competition organizes by Russian Cheer and Cheerleading Union inside XI Eastern Europe Cheer Championship. Event is held in the center of Moscow (12 km from the Kremlin) in a beautiful park and famous exebition complex Sokolniki. Ministry of Sport of Russian Federation supports the Competition and put that in the official calendar.
In a year 2018 there were:
Countries 5
Cities 43
Regions 30
Clubs 100
Award ceremonies 77
Participants 2012
Couches 198
Judges 29
Viewers 1500

WEB: www.cheerleading.su

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rcheerunion/