ECU is 10! Happy Birthday!
Even though cheerleading has been around for a while as a sport, its European governing body hardly reached the end of its first decade. The beginning of July 2021 marks the tenth anniversary of ECU’s first official general assembly. At the time it brought together 25 national federations from around Europe.

“Ten years ago, in given circumstances, the decision to found ECU was not made because it was easy, but because it was hard. We were not afraid of an uncertain future because the concern for the wellbeing of our athletes was our priority and we needed to do whatever was possible to provide them with the best possibilities for further development on competitive and other levels,” ECU President Aljaž Britvič wrote in his official address on the occasion.
Today, ECU counts 35 national federations and 4 associate members. As many as 9 European Cheerleading Championshipsand 2 separate European Cheerleading Championships for doubles have been organised under the auspices of ECU since, bringing together thousands of European athletes.
Additionally, many educational and other cheer-related events have been held over the years. At the same time ECU staff have provided help and support to our members, especially to the ones in developing phases.
“All that would not be possible without the help of our world governing body for the sport of Cheer, the International Cheer Union, and without the support and participation of so many European national federations. I know how much time and effort needed to be invested in all activities of a national federation and I thank you for all that you have given to our sport!” Britvič added.
“The ECU would not be a success story without each and every one of you. You are the ones that made us ‘The future of Cheerleading in Europe!'” he went on.
“Together, we have grown so much in the past ten years … Athletes, coaches, judges, officials, all persons that work, help and organize national organizations and clubs, parents, fans, friends, everybody that supports cheerleading… So many different people but all the same and united under one sport,” Britvič ended.
Happy birthday, ECU! Happy ten years to all cheer people that have followed us for years! THANK YOU!